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Getting together, sharing knowledge

Writer's picture: Manja Gideon FoundationManja Gideon Foundation

Sharing knowledge, exchanging experiences, building community – this is the work of the BRCA women’s group in small meetings every six weeks. During the 1st BRCA Symposium in Zurich the BRCA woman’s group extended this experience to a larger gathering of affected women. About 25 women, their Family members as well as sponsors like Hirslanden Group, Center for Integrative Breast Therapy and Myriad participated in this day, which was organized by the support group with help from the Selbsthilfecenter Zurich.

“Emotionally, this day meant a lot to me,” said the spokesperson for the support group for BRCA positive women. She had initiated the event and invited specialists to give short speeches on important topics like:

  • Genetic testing: for whom? (Dr. med. Katharina Leunig, Hirslanden Brust Zentrum)

  • The genetic test is positive: what now? (Dr. Susanna Stoll, Oncology USZ and Triemlispital)

  • Preventative mastectomy: options for surgery? (Prof. Dr. Jian Farhadi, Plastic Surgeon)

  • Ovaries: prevention (Dr. med Rebekka Wolter, Brust Zentrum Aarau)

Every woman has an individual story, beyond medical diagnoses and therapeutic options. That day, it became clear how important communication is to dealing more openly and fearlessly in everyday life with all the questions around gene mutation, and possible diseases. “The atmosphere was very personal and communicative,” says the spokesperson of the support group. “I've had many conversations that day and new members will join our BRCA women's group in the future.”

The group wants to enable a meaningful exchange between those affected. Meetings take place every six weeks in Zurich.

The goal is to facilitate exchange between those affected and encourage communication to actively shape daily life – despite the risk of illness

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