Being proactive
We have created this special section on hereditary ovarian cancer filled with expert knowledge in order to empower women and their families, and help them take informed actions. In the following, you will find additional suggestions for further reading, listening, watching and thought.
In the Downloads section, we will be adding offers little by little to allow you to better assess your own risk. The first and arguably most important element of these downloads is our family tree form. Set aside some time to fill it out. It clearly maps out your family history and is an integral component of the genetic testing procedure. The checklist supplements the family tree. The counseling guidelines integrate both things. In the Recommended reading section, we have put together interesting and scientifically sound Swiss and international publications for further reading. And don’t forget to check out our Spotlight videos. They feature doctors speaking understandably and personally about ovarian cancer symptoms, BRCA1 and BRCA2, early detection, prevention and genetics.
University Hospital of Basel:
Zurich Cancer League:
Eierstockkrebs. Symptome frühzeitig erkennen (pdf); in Kooperation mit der Manja Gideon Stiftung
Eierstockkrebs (pdf)
Brustkrebs (pdf)
Swiss Cancer League:
Familiärer Brust und Eierstockkrebs: Antworten. Hilfen. Perspektiven (pdf)
Eierstock-, Eileiter- und Bauchfellkrebs und andere bösartige Tumoren des Eierstocks: 100 Fragen – 100 Antworten (pdf). Ein Buch für Patienten und Angehörige, hrsg. Von Europäisches Kompetenzzentrum für Eierstockkrebs, akademos Wissenschaftsverlag, 6. Auflage 2019
Krebs und Kinderwunsch: 100 Fragen – 100 Antworten (pdf). Von Klinik und Poliklinik für Gynäkologie Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, akademos Wissenschaftsverlag, 2. Auflage 2018
German Cancer League:
German Ovarian Cancer Foundation
Eierstockkrebs Therapieoptionen im Überblick (Spezial) (pdf), von Eva Schumacher-Wulf, Redaktion Mamma Mia! Das Eierstockrebsmagazin, 2015
Mamma Mia! – Das Eierstockkrebsmagazin
Mamma Mia!
Cancer and Genetics. How Cancer sometimes runs in Families. (pdf)
Understanding Cancer of the ovary (pdf)
MacMillan Cancer Support
Recommended reading
Here is a selection of recommended further reading in German and English:
Spotlight videos