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  • Writer's pictureManja Gideon Foundation

“Supporting a meaningful cause”

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Janet, why did you participate in the Storyfabrics + Manja Gideon Foundation project?

I like to use my art to help people. I’m always looking for opportunities to apply my talent for a meaningful cause. Civic engagement helps to unite people by promoting trust and a sense of community. Raising public awareness for health related topics is an important activity. For this reason, educational and counseling services, such as that provided by the cancer association Krebsliga Zürich and the Manja Gideon Foundation, are crucial. My attitude may have something to do with my background. I grew up in the former East Germany. We were taught that people should help each other. It’s one of my core values. I believe people should work with each other, not against each other. That belief guides me in both work and life. Modern women think they’re well-informed. But that's not always true. For example, I was not aware that May 8 is world ovarian cancer day.

Larissa Kramer, Janet Mueller, Sibylle Kuhn, Simone Huser
From Left to right: Larissa Kramer, Janet Mueller, Sibylle Kuhn, Simone Huser

What sets your design apart?

I let my feelings inspire me. It’s kind of like an inner dialogue. My pillows resemble a group of ten snapshots. After the initial scene, each pillow continues the sequence frame by frame. I intuitively implemented my ideas in the textile medium. The topic gave me plenty of food for thought. I wanted my work to reflect the richness of the subject. My designs combine straight and curved lines. The work is gestural, minimalist and almost like a diagram. My idea was to make a connection to the outside world, to other people, to myself. Everything is connected: body, health, how we treat ourselves, how we treat others. For example, one of the pillows shows many faces.

What does women's health mean to you?

It means a great deal, perhaps because I recently faced a women’s health issue. It was a life-changing experience. Previously, I didn't even know that ovarian cancer existed, although I went to the gynaecologist for regular check-ups. After I read up on the subject, I went to see her, got more detailed information and asked her about my risk. She was very relaxed, and when I walked out of the appointment, I felt reassured. We have to stand tall and remain strong. And while the issue impacts a small number of people, it is a matter of concern for us all, as it can strike anyone of us, a family member or a good friend. In such a situation, it is important to know we are not alone. This gives us courage and hope.

Janet Mueller is an artist. She creates objects, paintings, tape art, and public artworks, among other projects. “I am unable not to make art,” she says. Mueller frequently contributes to charity projects and participates in civic actions, most recently during the Corona Virus Pandemic in spring 2020 with an art project on Instagram.

The originals of these covers can be ordered at

For each pillow cover sold, 50 CHF will be donated to MGF.

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